Spiritual Poems


The Miracles Of Easter
by Helen Steiner Rice

The sleeping earth awakens,
The robins start to sing,
The flowers open wide their eyes
To tell us it is spring.

The bleakness of the winter
Is melted by the sun,
The tree that looked so stark and dead
Becomes a living one.

These miracles of Easter
Wrought with diving perfection,
Are the blessed reassurance
Of our Saviour's Resurrection.


Rejoice! It's Easter!
by Helen Steiner Rice

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Let not your soul be sad
Easter is a time of joy
When all hearts should be glad.

Glad to know that Jesus Christ
Made it possible for men
To have their sins forgiven
And, like Him, to live again.

So at this joyous season
May the wondrous Easter Story
Renew our Faith so we may be
Partakers of His Glory!


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